Speaking Engagements & Book Signings
Quotes & Comments
Gina was a spunky young lady who loved life. She was ornery and loved to play tricks on people just to have fun. Gina was smart and enjoyed her classes particularly when she was challenged to grow academically. She would light up when the high school volunteers would play games and do activities with her, especially the guys! Gina was also like many high school students, stubborn and liked to control her situation. Gina made an impact on the world! ~Paula, PE Teacher
Gina was my friend! She was spunky from the age of three and always found a way to be right in the middle of the action and fun! She used a flotation device to swim, a brace to help her sit up tall, a power chair to move in her environment, and a computer to talk. This did not change the fact that she loved to be with her friends, loved her dog, always has a lot to say, was a girl scout and was a complete girly girl who always had her nails done. Without these other things she still would have been Gina, but with them she was able to SHINE!!
~Missy, Therapist and Friend
So often children who are differently-abled experience isolation and loneliness as a result of their condition. “Just Like Me!” is a wonderful and sensitively written teaching tool that allows children of any ability to learn about those who only appear different but in reality are “Just Like Me!” ~Patti, CEO of Engage Health
The message in “Just Like Me”! is so powerful and needed in our culture. It is important to understand that all of the special “differently-abled” children have a mind and heart just like other children. ~Jacque, Krabbe disease Advocate and Grandparent
“Just Like Me!” helps share the very important message that differences don’t have to separate us. Some of us need different types of support to get through our day, but we all enjoy life’s simple pleasures like friendship and laughter regardless of our needs. ~Brittney, Special Education Teacher
“Just Like Me!” tells the important story of a girl who lived with a tremendous medical challenge. It is a story of her determination, special friendships and love for others. Gina’s story reminds all children that life, even with big challenges, is worth fighting for. The inspirational story will leave readers with the same spirit of determination, friendship and love. ~Ann Marie, Principal
“Just Like Me Too!” is a refreshing narrative that highlights the similarities between all students regardless of their abilities. I strongly feel that this book is a resource that should be in every classroom to support our students. ~Abbie, Special Education
It’s so important for girls and boys to learn at an early age that all children are differently-abled. “Just Like Me!” and “Just Like Me Too!” are wonderful teaching tools for parents, teachers and others to explain that acceptance and appreciation.~Barb, Educator and Friend
“Just Like Me!” and “Just Like Me, Too!” are books that help students to set the standards on how to handle differences. As an observer of the interactions betweenGina and her schoolmates, a valuable lesson was learned that kids care and can handle differences when they have had the opportunity to learn about diversity and inclusiveness. ~Charlie, School Board Member